Other Projects

Eastern New Energy (ENE)

Eastern New Energy (ENE) is a regional support programme focusing on low and zero carbon actions and local economic development.

It is designed to help local enterprises (private and social) and other organisations across the region understand and remove the barriers that we all face in rapidly decarbonising our communities, buildings, transportand lives.

ENE is offering free expert advice and support to reduce your business or organisation’s carbon emissions

The support provided includes, but is not limited to:

  • Identifying opportunities to reduce carbon emissions
  • Reducing your energy or resource demand
  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Identifying potential renewable energy or smart energy systems
  • Developing policies and measures to decarbonise including suggesting ways of achieving Net-Zero, Zero-Carbon or Carbon- Neutral
  • Developing new low carbon products or services
  • Identifying and reducing carbon footprints
  • Carbon lifecycle assessments, extending product lifecycles
  • Process innovation

The Innovation Funding team can provide 12 hours of free consultancy to enterprises who would like to improve their sustainability.

To find out more about ENE, visit: https://www.greensuffolk.org/home/eastern-new-energy/ or email: Chris.Mussett@suffolk.gov.uk


Carbonlytics is a methodology used by the Innovation Funding Team to estimate the carbon reduction potential a company's products (or services) relative to a situation where either those products do not exist, or alternative “base case” products provide an equivalent function.

Carbonlytics estimates these GHG savings and repurposes them into a practical application for estimating the financial value of potential products within the green sector. Currently, this method is reserved for assessing applicants of the Low Carbon Innovation Fund.

Completed Projects

Invest East Investment Readiness Programme

The Invest East Investment Readiness Programme was a three-year programme of business support and investment readiness for potential high growth companies across Norfolk and Suffolk.

The free investor-led programme was funded through the European Regional Development Fund and managed in partnership with Norfolk County Council. The programme delivered workshops, training and guidance to help local businesses gain the knowledge they needed to help them understand and prepare to raise equity and other forms of finance.

Businesses were provided with up to 50 hours of intensive support including a series of investor-led masterclasses and one-to-one access to expert consultants and experienced entrepreneurs.

Throughout their time on the programme, participating businesses worked on their investment pitches with advisors, competing to pitch at the showcase event, including an audience of select investors, which was held at the end of each cohort. Winners of the showcase included Coral Eyewear and Safepoint who have gone on to successfully complete several funding rounds.

Creative Unlimited

Creative Unlimited Investment Readiness Programme was a programme of business support and investment readiness for founders of businesses and organisations from the Creative, Cultural and Arts sectors in Norfolk and Suffolk.

The programme took businesses and organisations through a series of masterclasses covering topics such as Protecting IP, Business Planning, Funding Strategy, Legals, Financial Planning and Pitching to Funders.

Participants gained more insight into becoming investment ready through a series of smaller, specialised round table sessions and access to a pool of mentors across a range of specialisms for one-to-one work. Participants worked on developing and refining their funding pitch with feedback and insight from experienced advisors, investors and mentors.